Should you wish to return your order, you have 14 days to do so from the date that your order was delivered. Please note that we can only accept returns if the product is unopened, unused, in its original packaging and in its original condition. If you wish to initiate a return, please contact our Customer Service team at with your order details to receive return instructions.

Please note that any free items that were included with your order need to be returned with the product in order to receive a refund.

Will will refund the original form of payment used to place the order. Please note that we cannot process a refund to any other form of payment. We will process a refund of the purchase price paid for the returned products, less any shipping charges within 14 days of the date that your return was received. You should see the refund on your statement within the following statement cycle. Returns after the Holiday Season may require longer processing times.

Please be advised that return shipping and any related fees are the responsibility of the customer. Returns must be postmarked within 7 business days of the date that return instructions were provided.  

You have a legal obligation to take reasonable care of the Products while they are in your possession. If you fail to comply with this obligation, we may have a right to claim the cost of any deterioration from you.

If any product you order is damaged  when delivered to you, please reach out to our Customer Service team within the 14-day return period timeframe to request a replacement or refund. If you elect to be refunded, the price of the product shall be refunded to you in full, including the cost of delivery. If you choose to have a replacement sent, if the original shipment needs to be returned, we will provide a postage paid label. Please note: if you believe a product was delivered damaged, you must inform us using the returns process set out under the paragraph above while the guarantee is still active.

Additional warranty details:

We strongly believe in product quality and because of that, every device is subjected to rigorous design, manufacture, inspection and test procedures to ensure it meets our exact specifications. Defective products are extremely rare.

Talika will replace authentic devices, eligible for warranty service. Every new device includes a two (2) year warranty covering any manufacturer related problems resulting from everyday use of the product. Warranties are only valid for items purchased through authorized sellers, returned within the warranty dates, and have a physical product purchase receipt from the location purchased. This warranty is void if the product has been subject to an accident, misuse, abuse, improper maintenance or repair, unauthorized modification, or any other use not found in the printed instructions. Please be advised that return shipping and any related fees are the responsibility of the customer, however the shipping costs to send out any applicable replacement or repaired device will be covered by us.

To initiate a warranty replacement for a device that you have purchased, please contact our Customer Service team at

Please provide the following information in your email.

1. Name

2. Shipping address

3. Phone number

4. Product to be returned

5. Description of the issue you are experiencing with your device

6. Proof of purchase – please attach a copy or image of your proof of purchase from an authorized seller