To say eyebrows have become a huge focus in the beauty industry would be an understatement. After years of cycles where the look of brows have changed we have seen different grooming techniques come and go, but now with a focus on healthy and fuller brows there is a demand for information on how to best care for this particular hair. But what about when your natural brows start looking a little less than luscious? It can be concerning when you see the early signs of thinning in your eyebrows but it isn’t something you’ll be experiencing alone. Below are some of the key reasons you may find yourself reaching for the brow pencil more often.


One of the major factors that impacts a number of people and causes hair loss is the over tweezing or waxing of brows. When you repeatedly pluck at hairs you can cause minor trauma to the follicles which can eventually cause more permanent damage that stops hair growing in that area. After the overplucking of the 90’s, there are plenty haunted by the long term effects of eyebrow trends of the past.


Whether your hormones are just changing over time or you’re dealing with the rapid hormonal changes of pregnancy or childbirth, any fluctuations in hormone levels in the body can throw the natural hair growth cycles into a spin and cause hair growth to slow or become unpredictable. This change to your hair growth cycles can contribute to hair loss as regrowth becomes less regular and can be temporary or have a permanent impact. If you are concerned about your hormone levels you can speak to a doctor but it is natural for our hormones to change as we age or with previously mentioned life events.


It isn’t uncommon for hair to thin in both women and men as they age, this can also be true with the hair of your eyebrows. As follicles age they can leave hair looking thinner and more sparse and there are also hormonal changes as mentioned before at play which can impact hair growth as you age. This usually occurs around the age of 40 and onwards.


We all know that stress can take a toll on your physical wellbeing, but it can also contribute to thinning hair. Stress can limit the oxygen supply to hair follicles which can damage them and can also induce hormonal changes which can impact growth cycles. The one benefit is that this may not be a permanent change.


While most balanced and well rounded diets shouldn’t cause any issues, occasionally if you have a deficiency in the following vitamins you will experience hair loss:

  • Vitamins A, C, B-12, E, and D
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C
  • Biotin
  • Iron
  • Cysteine
  • Omega 3

If you believe a deficiency may be the issue, we’d recommend speaking to a doctor for advice on supplements.

What can you do?

Don’t feel doomed to spend the rest of your years reaching for the eyebrow pencil- there may be hope for natural growth! If you want the secret to fuller and bushier brows that won’t let you down no matter what the trend, try our pick: the Eyebrow Lipocils Expert, which uses proven natural ingredients and our Mythical Botanical Complex to promote natural strengthening and growth while also boosting pigmentation for lasting results.

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